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Chiropractic Care Directly To You

Now Serving

Brentwood and Franklin, TN!

Why Choose House Calls

ChiroDirect Health & Wellness brings care directly to you- whether that is at your home, office, or even the gym. We believe in patient-centered chiropractic care that goes above and beyond the typical office experience. By coming to you, we offer more face-to-face time, better assessments and specialized treatment plans.


We want to help you feel better now, and keep you feeling better longer. Whether you’re looking to address a specific injury such as neck pain or low back pain, or just want to treat yourself to specific muscle work and a wellness adjustment, House Calls are really your best option.




Who Seeks House Calls

 Busy Professionals 

What To Expect


ChiroDirect operates on a direct pay model. We do not bill insurance.
Payments methods we accept include:
- Cash
- Credit/Debt
- FSA or HSA

ChiroDirect operates on a direct pay model. We do not bill insurance. Our providers are paid directly at the time of the appointment. Upon request, we provide you with an email receipt that you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. ChiroDirect does not guarantee, nor do we assist in the process of attempting reimbursement. Instead, we have partnered with Reimbursify, a company that helps with submitting out-of-network claims. This company makes filing for out-of-network benefits seamless and more convenient for our patients. 



The utmost best chiropractic care that I have ever received! I am so impressed by their genuine, attentive, professional, thorough, and expert service. I felt instant relief after my first house call appointment and benefitted so much from their personalized insights regarding my body and wellness. I definitely recommend ChiroDirect!

-P. Nguyen

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